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Sydenham Hill

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Weekly Works Update, w/c Monday 30 January 2023

Please note that we will be closing down the Sydenham Hill Commonplace website on 31 January 2023. If you want to continue receiving these updates, please visit: and sign up for updates.

Dear Neighbour

Please see below activities relating to the Sydenham Hill Estate Project which are due to take place from Monday 30 January 2023.

Monday 30 January – Friday 3 February

Works will include:

• Continuing timber hoarding around Mais House, including to the front brick wall

• Continuing hoarding works around Otto Close

• Improved lighting installed in pathway to Kirkdale

• Painting of hoarding around Mais House

• Installing Heras (metal mesh) fencing around the tree protection areas in the Mais House part of the site

• Services diversion works to the north of Mais House

• Continuing of soft strip of Mais House. This work will involve the stripping out of any interior fixtures, internal ceilings, temporary and removable structures that aren’t integral to the building to make the site safe prior to demolition

• Start of asbestos removal from Mais house by licenced contractor

Saturday 4 February – Sunday 5 February

• No works.

Possible disruption

• The painting of the hoarding along the walkway between Mais House and Lammas Green


• Skip and trailer for soft strip removal via the main gate.

• Daily delivery of hoarding materials by rigid transport

Non-Lovell Works

• Sitex shutter removal from Mais House on ground floor areas

General Site Working Hours:

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00

Saturday 9:00 to 13:00

For site emergencies, please contact:

Garfield Williams, Lovell

T: 07852 464283 or 020 8731 3800 (0800 030 4690 out of hours)

If you have any general queries, please contact

Best wishes,

The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Posted on 27th January 2023

by The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Community Liaison Group & Meet the Contractor Summary

Dear Neighbour,

Meet the Contractor Presentation and Summary

Many thanks to those of you who were able to join us at our Meet the Contractor Event on Thursday 12 January. We hope that you found the evening useful.

Please visit the webpage: to view the slides that were presented on the night, and a summary of the Q&A session that took place afterwards.

If you have any further questions, please let us know via

Community Liaison Group Invitation

As previously mentioned, we are planning to re-establish a Community Liaison Group (CLG). The CLG would be established as a forum for residents and immediate neighbours of the Sydenham Hill Estate, City Corporation, local Councillors, the contractor Lovell and design consultants to discuss all matters relating to the construction at Sydenham Hill Estate.

The CLG will meet monthly and will seek to discuss the Construction programme, including potential benefits it could make to the Estate and wider community, as well as functioning as an effective way to share information.

The CLG is not a decision-making body, rather it will seek to represent the interests of residents affected by the development and make recommendations to the City Corporation. We are hoping to find eight residents who are able to commit to meeting each month to represent the community interests.

If you are interested in taking part in the CLG, please register your interest by contacting Tamsin Hartin at The first meeting will take place on Thursday 2 February at Lammas Green Community Hall at 6pm. This meeting will be to agree the CLG’s membership and Terms of Reference.

Best Wishes,

The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Please note that we will be closing down the Commonplace website at the end of the month, so to ensure you continue to receive updates, please visit and click on ‘Sign Up’.

Posted on 24th January 2023

by The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Weekly Works Update, w/c Monday 23 January 2023

Dear Neighbour

Please see below activities relating to the Sydenham Hill Estate Project which are due to take place from Monday 23 January 2023.

Monday 23 January – Friday 27 January

Works will include:

• Installing timber hoarding around Mais House, including the pedestrian walkway

• Installing Heras (metal mesh) fencing around the tree protection areas in the Mais House part of the site

• Installing TBS (temporary building electrical supply pads that electrical supply will sit on)

• Soft strip of Mais House, starting 23/01. This work will involve the stripping out of the any interior fixtures, internal ceilings, temporary and removable structures that aren’t integral to the building

• Installation of scaffold to three locations on Mais house to aid in the bat relocation works that will occur at a future date

Saturday 28 January – Sunday 29 January

• No works.

Possible disruption

• The walkway between Lammas Green and Mais House will be partially blocked during the installation of the hoarding along this path. There will also be a vehicle parked off road next to the walkway. This will take 2-3 days. Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout the installation of the hoarding in this area


• Skip and trailer for soft strip removal via the main gate.

• Daily delivery of hoarding materials by rigid transport

Non-Lovell Works

• Sitex shutter removal from Mais House (due for completion 20/1)

General Site Working Hours:

Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00

Saturday 9:00 to 13:00

For site emergencies, please contact:

Garfield Williams, Lovell

T: 07852 464283 or 020 8731 3800 (0800 030 4690 out of hours)

Please note that we will be closing down the Commonplace website at the end of the month, so to ensure you continue to receive updates, please visit and click on ‘Sign Up’ or email

With best wishes

The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Posted on 20th January 2023

by The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Sign up for Email updates

Dear Neighbour,

We will be closing down this Commonplace website shortly, but would like to continue sending you updates relating to the Sydenham Hill Estate, including weekly works updates from the contractor, Lovell.

Under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR) the City Corporation is not permitted to transfer personal data across from this Commonplace site to the new project website, as consent is needed from each owner of the personal data. Please can you therefore let us know that you wish to continue receiving updates.

You can do this by visiting the website: and signing up or by emailing - apologies, there was a typo in the previous email.

Many thanks,

The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Posted on 17th January 2023

by The Sydenham Hill Project Team

Site Update - 11 January 2023

Dear Neighbour,

We are writing to advise you that Lovell formally took site possession on 3 January 2023 and are starting to mobilise in readiness for commencement at the end of this month.

The mobilisation works include:

  • A number of surveys within the buildings and outside related to utilities (for example, small trial pits are required to expose existing services for which a small digger may be required)
  • Removal of the existing security measures (Sitex windows panels) from Mais House
  • Utilities isolation (gas, electricity and water)
  • Site set up, including hoarding around Mais House and Heras fencing around the garages and ball court. This also includes the removal of concrete blocks and existing hoarding at the front of Mais House and the installation of two entrance gates
  • Ecological preparations (bat boxes)
  • Internal clearance of Mais House.
  • During this mobilisation period you will see an increase in workers on the site in order to carry out the above works.

    These mobilisation items do not require planning consent and are separate from the planning conditions being discharged.

    Just a reminder that Lovell are holding a Meet the Contractor Event on Thursday 12 January from 5-7pm at Lammas Green Nursery. We look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to attend, the presentation slides will be shared on the website: afterwards.

    If you have any queries on the above, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Project Team

    Posted on 11th January 2023

    by The Sydenham Hill Project Team

    Site Visit - Tuesday 22 November 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise you that a site visit will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 22 November.

    There should be no disruption caused, however you may see members of the team walking around the estate.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Project Team

    Posted on 21st November 2022

    by The Sydenham Hill Project Team

    Bat Survey Site Visit - Wednesday 9 November

    Site Visit for Bat Surveys - 9 November 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise you that a Site visit will take place during the morning of Wednesday 9 November.

    The Site visit will be non-intrusive, and the surveyor will be walking around the estate, reviewing the habitats present and the condition of the building (external only) with regards to the required upcoming bat licence application. There should be no disruption caused, however you may see members of the team, on the estate wearing hi-vis vests.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 8th November 2022

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Bat Survey visit - Wednesday 21 September

    Site Visits for Bat Surveys - 21 September 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise you that a dusk Bat Survey will take place tonight, Wednesday 21st September, from 6.15pm until just after 9pm. This has been postponed from earlier in the month due to wet weather on the previous dates planned.

    The survey will be non-intrusive, and the surveyors will be walking around the estate, recording bat activity and identifying roosts. There should be no disruption caused, however you may see members of the team, including security officers, on the estate wearing hi-vis vests.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 21st September 2022

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit for Bat Surveys - Change of date: Monday 15 August

    Site Visits for Bat Surveys - 31 July, 14 August and 6 September 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise you that there will be a change of date for the upcoming dawn Bat Survey which will now take place on Monday 15th August from 3.20am until just after 9am.

    The survey will be non-intrusive, and the surveyors will be walking around the estate, recording bat activity and identifying roosts. There should be no disruption caused, however you may see members of the team, including security officers, on the estate wearing hi-vis vests.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 10th August 2022

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visits for Bat Surveys - 31 July, 14 August and 6 September 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be site visits taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate in the coming weeks to undertake bat surveys for the 2022 season.

    Surveyors will be attending the estate either at dusk (approximately 7pm-11pm) or dawn (approximately 2am - 6am) on the following dates (weather dependent):

    • Sunday 31 July - dusk

    • Sunday 14 August - dawn

    • Tuesday 6 September - dusk

    The surveys are non-intrusive, and the surveyors will be walking around the estate, recording bat activity and identifying roosts. There should be no disruption caused, however you may see members of the team, including security officers, on the estate wearing hi-vis vests.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 29th July 2022

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visits - week commencing Monday 11 July 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on the afternoon of Tuesday 12 July, and further visits during the week when neccessary.

    Electrical Contractors will be on site to carry out repairs to the communal lighting.

    There should be no disruption caused to residents, however, you may see members of the team on the estate.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 12th July 2022

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Thursday 19 May 2022

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Thursday 19 May.

    Electrical Contractors will be on site all day to carry out works on the communal/public lighting.

    There should be no disruption caused to residents, however, you may see members of the team on the estate.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 18th May 2022

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Thursday 9 December 2021

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Thursday 9 December 2021.

    An Arboricultural Consultant will be attending the site to conduct a survey of the trees for risk-related matters and tree management. The survey forms part of a wider programme being undertaken across all City of London Corporation Housing Estates and does not relate to the development proposals for Sydenham Hill Estate. The consultant will be on-site from approximately 8am for one day.

    There should be no disruption caused to residents, however, you may see members of the team on the estate.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 3rd December 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site visit - Friday 8 October 2021

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Friday 8 October 2021.

    Members of the team and EDF energy will be on the estate to remove the remaining meters inside Mais House. There should be no disruption caused, however, you may see members of the team on the estate.

    The City Corporation and all contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 5th October 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Light landscaping works at Mais House

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that over the past week, landscapers have been undertaking some light works around Mais House. The works are being undertaken to tidy up the overgrown woody shrubs, unmanageable perineal plants and weeds outside of Mais House. We are keen to tidy up the appearance of the area and cut back the overgrown greenery that is causing issues with the alarms and building at Mais House.

    Please be advised that nothing is being removed from the ground and no other works are due to take place at present.

    The light landscape works are due to be completed early this week.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 2nd August 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Sydenham Hill Estate - Application Update

    Dear Neighbour 

    We are writing to update you on the redevelopment of Mais House and Otto Close garages on the Sydenham Hill Estate.

    The application for redevelopment to provide 110 new affordable homes for social rent on the Sydenham Hill Estate (reference DC/20/115160) is due to be heard at a Strategic Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday 29 June 2021 at 7:30pm, with a recommendation for approval.

    You can view the committee agenda and reports pack on Lewisham Council's website at the following link:  

    Members of the public and all interested parties not participating in the meeting, can watch the meeting virtually using the following link: 

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 23rd June 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visits - Week commencing Monday 10 May 2021

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be site visits taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate in the week commencing Monday 10 May 2021.

    On Wednesday 12 May 2021, members of the team will be on the estate to undertake an inspection of the remaining meters inside Mais House.

    On Friday 14 May 2021, an additional bat survey is being undertaken for the 2021 season. Four surveyors will be attending the estate at dusk, from approximately 7pm-11pm. The survey is non-intrusive, and the surveyors will be walking around the estate, recording bat activity and identifying roosts. 

    There should be no disruption caused, however, you may see members of the team on the estate. 

    The City Corporation and all contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance 

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 10th May 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visits - Week commencing Monday 26 April 2021 - Correction

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be site visits taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate in the week commencing Monday 26 April 2021.

    Staff from SUMO will be attending the estate to undertake a topographical and utilities survey. It is expected that they will be on-site from Wednesday 28 April - Friday 30 April 2021.

    Thames Water will be attending the estate to carry out a survey of existing services. They will be on-site on Wednesday 28 April 2021.

    Staff from SOL Acoustics Ltd will also be attending the estate to install acoustic noise monitors. It is expected that they will be on-site for approximately 24hrs from Wednesday 28 April - Thursday 29 April 2021.

    To enable SOL Acoustics Ltd to install the acoustic monitors, the ball court on the estate will be closed from Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 10am - Thursday 29 April at 12pm.

    There should be no further disruption caused, however, you may see members of the team on the estate throughout the week.

    The City Corporation and all contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 23rd April 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Tuesday 20 April 2021

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be site visits taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Tuesday 20 April 2021.

    An Arboricultural Consultant will be attending the site to conduct a survey of the trees. They will be on-site from approximately 9am for half a day.

    Party wall surveyors from Hollis Global will also be attending the site to carry out condition surveys. They will be on-site from approximately 11am for four hours.

    There should be no disruption caused, however, you may see members of the team on the estate throughout the day.

    The City Corporation and all contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 19th April 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Wednesday 14 April 2021

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Wednesday 14 April from 10.30am.

    The visit will be taking place to carry out structural surveys to the retaining walls on the estate. There should be no disruption caused, however, you may see two members of the team on the estate throughout the day.

    The City Corporation and all contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 9th April 2021

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Friday 22 January 2021

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Friday 22 January 2021.

    The visit will be taking place by EDF Energy to remove several remaining meters at Mais House. There should be no disruption caused, however, you may see contractors on-site throughout the day.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 18th January 2021

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Fire Alarm System, Mais House

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise about the fire alarm procedure and protocol for Mais House, Sydenham Hill Estate.

    Serjeant Security has been appointed to manage the fire alarm system at Mais House.

    In the event of a fire alarm activation or to contact the emergency hotline, please call 07921 970720.

    Best wishes

    Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 23rd December 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Friday 11 December 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Friday 11 December 2020.

    The visit will be taking place to clear the hallway floors at Mais House in preparation for EDF to attend and remove remaining meters shortly. There should be no disruption caused, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 9th December 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Scheduled Survey Works at Sydenham Hill Estate, Week Commencing 26 October 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise you that there will be site investigations taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate in the week commencing Monday 26 October 2020. As you will be aware, over the past few weeks the project team has been undertaking various site visits and investigations at the estate.

    Our appointed contractors SOCOTEC UK Limited (SOCOTEC) will be visiting the estate to conduct an Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition (R&D) Survey. The survey will be undertaken to identify if there are any asbestos containing materials present in the Mais House building and Otto Close garages. SOCOTEC will assess the risk posed by any asbestos containing materials found and samples will be taken from the estate in a secure and safe manner. Any asbestos found will be removed in-line with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines and regulations.

    To allow for the survey works to take place, the concrete blocks at the access to the estate on Sydenham Hill will be temporarily removed. SOCOTEC will access the estate via this gate and a small crane will be brought on-site to enable all external sections to be surveyed as required. The works will not affect any existing access across the site for residents.

    The works will commence on Monday 26 October 2020 and are estimated to take five days to complete. Working hours will be 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. No works are scheduled to take place over the weekend. Due to the nature of the survey, there is a possibility for some noise disturbance to be created. We will endeavour to minimise any noise disturbance as much as possible to prevent any inconvenience.

    A full risk assessment and method statement have been completed and submitted to The City of London Corporation (the City Corporation) to ensure that the works can be undertaken safely. We would like to assure you that we are complying fully with the HSE Approved Code of Practice, which sets out very specific requirements in relation to any works undertaken with materials containing asbestos.

    The City Corporation and SOCOTEC take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice. Contractors will be either cycling or driving to the estate and will be avoiding public transport for travel.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries about the works, please contact the Sydenham Hill Project Team via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421. We would encourage all residents to sign-up for updates on our Commonplace platform where we will continue to issue updates in relation to the project,

    Best wishes

    Edwin Birch

    Senior Principal Project Manager

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 22nd October 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Thursday 22 October 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Thursday 22 October from 10am.

    The visit will be to inspect Mais House. No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 21st October 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Thursday 15 October 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Thursday 15 October from 11.30am.

    No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 13th October 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Tuesday 6 October 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a site visit taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate on Tuesday 6 October from 11.30am.

    No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 30th September 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visits This Week on Sydenham Hill Estate - w/c 21 September 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to advise that there will be a number of site visits taking place on the Sydenham Hill Estate this week.

    As advised on Friday 18 September, we will be carrying out a dusk Bat Survey on the estate today (Monday 21 September). The visit will taking place from around 6.30pm to 9pm. There will be four members of the team on-site undertaking the monitoring exercise.

    The operatives will be visible and operating acoustic equipment for the monitoring of sound. These investigative works will generate no noise and will not cause any disturbance on the estate.

    As these investigative works include acoustic monitoring and precision is necessary, we ask that residents do not approach the operatives on the estate while they carry out the works, as any conversation may lead to inaccuracies that would result in the survey needing to be repeated.

    On Tuesday 22 September, Sykes will be on-site carrying out CCTV surveys in Mais House. The works will take place in the morning and be confined to a small space in Mais House.

    On Thursday 24 September, the team will be undertaking a further site visit to Mais House. No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Consultation Team

    Posted on 21st September 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Dusk Bat Survey - Monday 21 September 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    Following our previous correspondence on 13 August regarding bat surveys on the estate, we are writing to update you on our next steps.

    We will be carrying out a dusk Bat Survey on the estate on Monday 21 September from 6.15pm onwards. There will be four members of the team on-site undertaking the monitoring exercise.

    The operatives will be visible and operating acoustic equipment for the monitoring of sound. These investigative works will generate no noise and will not cause any disturbance on the estate.

    As these investigative works include acoustic monitoring and precision is necessary, we ask that residents do not approach the operatives on the estate while they carry out the works, as any conversation may lead to inaccuracies that would result in the survey needing to be repeated.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Consultation Team

    Posted on 18th September 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Monday 7 September 2020, 10am

    Dear Neighbour

    Please be advised that on Monday 7 September 2020, there will be members of the project team undertaking a site visit on the estate from 10am. No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    The City Corporation takes social distancing extremely seriously and is closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 4th September 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Sydenham Hill Estate Planning Application Update

    Dear Neighbour

    As you may be aware, on Thursday 27 August 2020, London Borough of Lewisham’s Planning Committee resolved to grant consent for the City of London Corporation’s planning application for the redevelopment of Mais House and Otto Close garages on the Sydenham Hill estate.

    The scheme will provide 110 truly affordable homes for people who are currently on Lewisham Council’s and the City of London Corporation’s waiting lists. A mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed homes will be delivered to reflect the local need and make a positive contribution towards answering the borough’s housing shortage.

    The high-quality design, drawn up by leading architect Hawkins\Brown, will redevelop the vacant Mais House building and Otto Close garages. Alongside much-needed new homes, the scheme will provide a community room, estate office, amenity and play space as well as a wide range of landscaping and ecological enhancements for the benefit of all residents.

    We are looking forward to progressing to the next stage of the project. The City of London Corporation is committed to continuing to work with the local community to maintain and develop the conversation and ensure the scheme delivers benefits for years to come.

    We will be in touch in the near future with further updates on the scheme and more information about the next stage.

    Best wishes

    Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 4th September 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Wednesday 2 September from 12.30pm finishing at 4.45pm

    Dear Neighbour

    Please be advised that today, Wednesday 2 September, there will be members of the project team undertaking a site visit to the estate. No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site throughout the day.

    The City Corporation takes social distancing extremely seriously and is closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 2nd September 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Applicant response to pre-registered questions for Sydenham Hill estate local meeting held on 4 August 2020

    Dear Neighbours

    On Wednesday 19 August 2020 we issued an update with the subject line: Virtual planning meeting Q&A and recording update. In this update, we included a link to the recording of the recently held public meeting, along with the written responses to the questions received during the call.

    Further to this, please find below a link to the written responses to the questions that were submitted to Leiwhsam Planning Officers prior to the call taking place, and of which formed the foundation of our discussion held during the public meeting.

    Local meeting Q&A responses

    Best wishes

    Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 24th August 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Virtual planning meeting Q&A and recording update (LINK CORRECTION)

    Dear Neighbour

    On Tuesday 4 August, the Sydenham Hill Project Team participated in a virtual meeting chaired by Councillor Sophie Davis. The call was an opportunity for residents to pose questions to the applicant regarding the proposals, as well as questions to members of the Planning Service in regard to the planning process.

    The questions raised during this call have been compiled into a Q&A that can be viewed on the London Borough of Lewisham’s planning portal, along with the minutes from the meeting. These can both be viewed at

    A recording of the call is being hosted by the project team through Vimeo and can be accessed on the following link:

    (please note: elements of the call have had the audio edited to remove certain personal details of participants of the call-in line with GDPR compliance.)

    Best wishes

    Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 19th August 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Dawn Bat Survey - Saturday 15 August 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    Following our previous correspondence on 27 July in regard to bat surveys on the estate, we are writing to update you on next steps.

    We will be carrying out the next dawn Bat Survey on the estate on Saturday 15 August 2020 from 3.30am-6am. There will be four members of the team on-site undertaking the monitoring exercise.

    The operatives will be visible and operating acoustic equipment for the monitoring of sound. These investigative works will generate no noise and will not cause any disturbance on the estate.

    As these investigative works include acoustic monitoring and precision is necessary, we ask that residents do not approach the operatives on the estate while they carry out the works, as any conversation may lead to inaccuracies that would result in the survey needing to be repeated.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Consultation Team

    Posted on 13th August 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Site Visit - Monday 10 August and Tuesday 11 August 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    Please be advised that on Monday 10 August and Tuesday 11 August 2020, there will be members of the project team undertaking a site visit to the estate. No works will be undertaken, however, you may see members of the team on-site across the two days.

    The City Corporation takes social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice.

    If you have any general enquiries, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 7th August 2020

    by The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    London Borough of Lewisham consultation webinar

    Please see below the text of a letter from London borough of Lewisham's Planning Department in regard to an online consultation event on Tuesday 4 August:

    Dear Resident,

    Demolition of existing buildings at Mais House and Otto Close garages, SE26, and redevelopment to provide a part four, six and seven storey building and a part two and three storey terrace building providing a total of 110 residential units (use class C3), community room and estate office; together with alterations to the existing ball court; associated works to vehicular and pedestrian access from Sydenham Hill, Lammas Green and Kirkdale; provision of car and cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping including amenity space and play area.

    I am writing further to previous correspondence concerning the above planning application.

    A number of letters of objection and concern have been received and in these cases it is Council policy to offer to hold a meeting with these local residents to enable an assessment to be made of the areas of concern before the application is considered by the Council's Planning Committee.

    A virtual meeting has now been arranged for 4th August from 7pm to 8.30pm and you are invited to attend. This will be chaired by a Ward Councillor and will provide an opportunity for residents to pose questions to the applicant regarding the proposals, as well as any questions in relation the planning process to members of the Planning Service.

    Due to current nationwide restrictions, the meeting will be held virtually and can be accessed by the following main link. It is also possible to join the meeting by phone as outlined below.

    To join the local meeting on 4th August via your computer please visit:

    If you would prefer to dial in to this webinar from a landline or mobile please call +44 203 051 2874 entering the meeting ID 816 3194 0779 when prompted. Should you wish to raise a question when dialling in, please press *9 and the meeting host will call on you when appropriate.’

    Additionally, to ensure residents have had the opportunity to use the platform in advance of the meeting, we have organised a short practice session for 3rd August at 6pm. This will not be a separate meeting but rather a short test session (15 minutes maximum) to ensure that residents are familiar with, and can connect to the platform ahead of the actual meeting on 4th August.

    To join the test session on 3rd August please visit:

    If you would prefer to dial in to this test session from a landline or mobile please call +44 203 481 5240 entering the meeting ID 869 3438 4457 when prompted.

    The local meeting (4th August) will follow an agenda of the main themes of objection but specific questions can also be submitted in advance.

    If you wish to submit a question or questions in advance, please do so via email to with the subject of the email as “LOCAL MEETING QUESTION: PLANNING APPLICATION REFERENCE NUMBER DC/20/115160”. Unfortunately due to the number of objections received in relation to the proposed development it may not be possible to ensure that all specific questions are responded to individually but we will endeavour to ensure that all main themes of objection are addressed.

    Yours sincerely,

    David Robinson

    Principal Planning Officer

    Major and Strategic Projects Team

    Posted on 28th July 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Bat Survey on the estate this evening (Monday 27 July) from 8pm until approximately 10:30pm.

    Dear Neighbour

    As you will be aware, over the past few weeks the project team has been carrying out investigation works at Sydenham Hill Estate.

    While the planning application is still being determined, we are keen to ensure that we have taken the necessary steps in pre-planning. As part of these initial investigative works, we will be carrying out a Bat Survey on the estate this evening (Monday 27 July) from 8pm until approximately 10:30pm.

    This survey is a monitoring exercise and there will be four operatives on-site. The operatives will be highly visible and operating acoustic equipment for the monitoring of sound. These investigative works will generate no noise and will not cause any disturbance on the estate.

    As these investigative works include acoustic monitoring and precision is necessary, we ask that residents do not approach the operatives on the estate while they carry out the works, as any conversation may lead to inaccuracies that would result in the survey needing to be repeated.

    If you have any general enquiries about the works, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421.

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 27th July 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Update on ground investigation works at Mais House and the wider Sydenham Hill Estate

    We are writing to update you on the ground investigation works that are being undertaken at Sydenham Hill Estate.

    The ground investigation works have been essential to determine ground conditions and look into a number of matters, including any servicing, potential contamination and foundation research. Our appointed contractor has been undertaking works within the ground floor slabs at Mais House and the garages on Otto Close.

    In total, 14 trial pits have been completed and there is now only one area of works outstanding. The remaining works will take approximately two days to complete and will take place on the highway junction of Otto Close and Kirkdale.

    A full risk assessment and method statement have been completed and submitted to The City of London Corporation (the City Corporation) to ensure that the works can be undertaken safely.

    The highways works have been scheduled to take place at the end of the programme to minimise disruption. There will be some cutting of concrete and tarmac to complete this last section. The works will be completed, and the site will be fully cleared by Friday 10 July 2020. Working hours will be 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. No works are scheduled to take place over the weekend.

    In addition to above, Sykes and Sons, our appointed contractor, will also be undertaking CCTV investigations into utilities on the estate. We will publish more detail on the works once we have finalised the timings and schedule.

    If you have any general enquiries about the works taking place, please do contact us, our telephone number is 020 7125 0421 – please ask to speak to Catherine Street or Ben Davies. You can also email any queries to us via This account is monitored Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm for general enquiries.

    For any on-site emergencies relating to the current groundworks, please contact Colin Barker (Site Supervisor) on 07398 167354. Due to the current situation, we would also encourage our neighbours to sign-up to receive Commonplace updates.

    Moving forward, we will issue key updates via hard copy to residents on the estate. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

    Posted on 8th July 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Update on ground investigation works at Mais House and the wider Sydenham Hill Estate

    We are writing to update you on the ground investigation works that are being undertaken at Sydenham Hill Estate.

    The ground investigation works have been essential to determine ground conditions and look into a number of matters, including any servicing, potential contamination and foundation research. Our appointed contractor has been undertaking works within the ground floor slabs at Mais House and the garages on Otto Close.

    In total, 14 trial pits have been completed and there is now only one area of works outstanding. The remaining works will take approximately two days to complete and will take place on the highway junction of Otto Close and Kirkdale.

    A full risk assessment and method statement have been completed and submitted to The City of London Corporation (the City Corporation) to ensure that the works can be undertaken safely.

    The highways works have been scheduled to take place at the end of the programme to minimise disruption. There will be some cutting of concrete and tarmac to complete this last section. The works will be completed, and the site will be fully cleared by Friday 10 July 2020. Working hours will be 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. No works are scheduled to take place over the weekend.

    In addition to above, Sykes and Sons, our appointed contractor, will also be undertaking CCTV investigations into utilities on the estate. We will publish more detail on the works once we have finalised the timings and schedule.

    If you have any general enquiries about the works taking place, please do contact us, our telephone number is 020 7125 0421 – please ask to speak to Catherine Street or Ben Davies. You can also email any queries to us via This account is monitored Monday-Friday 9.30am-5.30pm for general enquiries.

    For any on-site emergencies relating to the current groundworks, please contact Colin Barker (Site Supervisor) on 07398 167354. Due to the current situation, we would also encourage our neighbours to sign-up to receive Commonplace updates.

    Moving forward, we will issue key updates via hard copy to residents on the estate. -

    We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

    Posted on 8th July 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Project Team

    Ground Investigation Works – Wednesday 10 June 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    As you will be aware, over the past few weeks the project team has been planning for ground investigation works at Sydenham Hill Estate.

    While the planning application is still being determined, we are keen to ensure that we have taken the necessary steps in pre-planning. The ground investigation works will determine ground conditions and look into a number of matters, including any servicing, potential contamination and foundation research.

    On Wednesday 10 June 2020, a welfare cabin will be delivered and set-up on the estate. It will be located by the Otto Close garages, please see location plan below.

    Our appointed contractor, Sykes and Son Limited, will be undertaking works within the ground floor slabs at Mais House, within the garages and the ball court. Excavation of trial pits will be undertaken using handheld tools to determine the position of existing services and materials.

    The works will commence on Thursday 11 June 2020 and are estimated to take four weeks to complete. Working hours will be 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. No works are scheduled to take place over the weekend. The works are being undertaken using handhelds tools, which will minimise noise disturbance. There are a couple of areas that require cutting of concrete and tarmac, including the street areas. These works are scheduled towards the end of the programme to minimise any inconvenience.

    A full risk assessment and method statement have been completed and submitted to The City of London Corporation (the City Corporation) to ensure that the works can be undertaken safely.

    The City Corporation and Sykes and Son Limited take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice. All works will be undertaken in-line with Health and Safety Executive guidelines. Contractors will be either cycling or driving to the estate and will be avoiding public transport for travel.

    We have included the guidance for the construction sector, as issued by the Government, below for your information.

    If you have any general enquiries about the works, please contact us via email at or call us on 020 7125 0421 .

    For any on-site emergencies, please contact Colin Barker (Site Supervisor) on 07398 167354 .

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Useful links:

    GOV.UK COVID 19 Construction Guidance

    Health and Safety Executive Guidelines

    Posted on 8th June 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Notification of activity on Sydenham Hill - Thursday 28 May 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We are writing to let you know that on Thursday 28 May 2020, there will be a site visit to Sydenham Hill by three members of the project team.

    The visit is scheduled to take place around 2pm and will last approximately two hours. The visit is taking place to plan and confirm the locations for the future ground investigations works. There will be no works or disruptive activity during the visit.

    We would like to assure you that the City of London Corporation and associated contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice. The visit is being undertaken in-line with Health and Safety Executive guidelines. More information can be found on this in the links below.

    Government guidelines -

    Health and Safety Executive guidelines -

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 26th May 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Notification of activity on Sydenham Hill - Friday 15 May 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We hope you and your family are well. We are writing to let you know that on Friday 15 May 2020, there will be a site visit to Sydenham Hill by three members of the project team.

    The visit is scheduled to take place around 2pm and will last approximately one hour. The visit is taking place to assess the scope of works for future ground investigations. There will be no works or disruptive activity during the visit.

    We would like to assure you that the City of London Corporation and associated contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice. The visit is being undertaken in-line with Health and Safety Executive guidelines. More information can be found on this in the links below.

    Government guidelines -

    Health and Safety Executive guidelines -

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 13th May 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Notification of activity on Sydenham Hill - Friday 15 May 2020

    Dear Neighbour

    We hope you and your family are well. We are writing to let you know that on Friday 15 May 2020, there will be a site visit to Sydenham Hill by three members of the project team.

    The visit is scheduled to take place around 2pm and will last approximately one hour. The visit is taking place to assess the scope of works for future ground investigations. There will be no works or disruptive activity during the visit.

    We would like to assure you that the City of London Corporation and associated contractors take social distancing extremely seriously and are closely following Government guidelines as well as Public Health England advice. The visit is being undertaken in-line with Health and Safety Executive guidelines. More information can be found on this in the links below.

    Government guidelines -

    Health and Safety Executive guidelines -

    Best wishes

    The Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 13th May 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Public meeting (31st March) - postponed

    To confirm, the public meeting on 31st March has now been postponed by London Borough of Lewisham due to Covid-19 and will be rearranged. We hope you are all keeping safe and well in these challenging times.

    Best wishes,

    Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Posted on 18th March 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Planning submission validated

    The planning application for the redevelopment of Mais House and Otto Close garages, submitted before Christmas has now been validated by the London Borough of Lewisham. The reference number DC/20/115160 can be used to search and view the planning application and all supporting documents via the webpage - . Please do get in touch with the Sydenham Hill Consultation Team if you have any questions by email at or by calling  020 7125 0421 .

    Posted on 8th January 2020

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Application submitted with further changes

    On 17th December, City of London Corporation (City Corporation) submitted an application for new homes at the Sydenham Hill Estate.

    Once the application has been validated by London Borough of Lewisham, we will be in touch to confirm the planning application number, which will allow you to search and view the proposals via the London Borough of Lewisham’s webpage .

    The final proposals are for 110 new homes - all for social rent. These homes will be in a new part four, six and seven storey apartment building (Block A, B & C) with 99 homes - on the Mais House site and a row of 11 terraced homes - made up of two and three storey buildings on the site of the Otto Close garages. Read more about the submitted proposals on this page .

    Retaining the Sydenham Hill bus stop and stand in the current location

    Those living on and around the Sydenham Hill estate had raised concerns about proposals to move the existing bus stop and stand on Sydenham Hill. Following feedback this has been revised and vehicular and service access to Blocks A, B & C will be consolidated through the existing access between Mais House and Castlebar providing access to the surface level parking area. A secondary access proposed to the western boundary of the site is proposed for fire access only. This is an existing arrangement, but the access will be widened and opened to provide greater accessibility and, more significantly, enables the existing bus stop and stand on Sydenham Hill to be retained in its current location.

    If you have any queries regarding the application, please contact the project team on or 020 7125 0421 .

    Posted on 18th December 2019

    by Sydenham Hill Consultation Team

    Planning submission date update

    The date that the proposals for new homes for social rent on the Sydenham Hill Estate are to be submitted to London Borough of Lewisham has been delayed until the week ending December 13th . The proposals were previously due to be submitted at the end of November.

    The application is to be postponed to allow the project team to consider how access arrangements can be altered to remove the need to move the bus stop and stand on Sydenham Hill, following feedback from residents and their perceived concerns regarding road safety and loss of parking.

    Posted on 29th November 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Resident's Steering Group document- Architect's latest proposals

    On Monday 18th November, Hawkins\Brown Architects presented the latest proposals for new homes for social rent on the Sydenham Hill Estate to the Resident's Steering Group. The presentation booklet can be viewed here, and is available in the Estate Office on Lammas Green.

    Posted on 21st November 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Updated bus stand/stop relocation proposal

    The project team's highways engineer has reviewed some additional data concerning the roads in proximity to the estate and we have updated our bus stand/stop relocation proposals in light of this information. The updated proposal can be viewed here , and the accompanying text is below:

    Traffic surveys were undertaken between 01/04/19 and 07/04/19 on Sydenham Hill and Kirkdale. The surveys identified that on Sydenham Hill, despite the 20mph speed limit in place, vehicles tended to travel faster than the speed limit with an 85% percentile speed of 30mph in the northbound direction and 28mph in the southbound direction. In response to this survey finding and the concerns raised by residents that relocation of the bus stop on Sydenham Hill will have an adverse impact on highway and pedestrian safety, the proposed layout has been amended. In the new layout the bus stand has been relocated closer to the proposed servicing access and the visibility splays provided on Sydenham Hill from the access to Lammas Green have been increased as shown in compliance with the Manual for Streets (industry design standards) for a 30mph road. This arrangement now improves on the existing visibility from the Lammas Green access against the existing layout and enhances vehicular safety.

    Posted on 21st October 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Latest newsletter and FAQs document

    The latest newsletter and a 'Frequently Asked Questions' document were delivered to the estate and the local community on Thursday 12th September.

    The newsletter is available to view here.

    The FAQs document is available to view here.

    Posted on 13th September 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Next public drop-in events

    We are able to announce the dates for the next public drop-ins, open to residents and the local community, where we will be presenting the latest proposals for new homes on the Sydenham Hill Estate, following feedback we have received since the last round of events in March.

    The next events will be held on Tuesday 24 September & Wednesday 25 September at Lammas Green Community Hall, Lammas Green, London, SE26 6LT, from 4pm until 7pm.

    Members of the project team will be on hand to discuss the latest proposals and to collect feedback from attendees.

    A flyer publicising these dates will be delivered to homes on and around the estate shortly.

    Posted on 9th September 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Process for booking to view hard copies of project documents

    If you wish to view a hard copy of the currently available project information in the estate office, such as presentations and surveys, you are advised to email to book a time to do so.

    The information available in the estate office is also available online and can be viewed on the 'News' section of the Commonplace website-

    Posted on 12th August 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Corrected Link - Architects presentation - Lewisham/CoL/residents meeting 23.07.19

    The presentation that was given at the meeting between London Borough of Lewisham, the Sydenham Hill Estate project team and a group of estate and neighbouring residents on Tuesday 23rd July is now available to view here, and will be available to view in the estate office in hard form next week.

    Posted on 30th July 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Revised proposals document

    A presentation document regarding revised proposals that has been shared with the Residents Steering Group is now available to view here .

    The revisions can be summarised as below:

  • Reduction in dwelling numbers from 135 to 120.
  • Omission of basement car parking and a strategy for surface level parking only.
  • Ball Court dwellings omitted: under-croft garages reconfigured as covered parking (play space reinstated and improved after the level raised to meet current standards).
  • Reduction in height from nine storeys to eight storeys (plus lift overrun).
  • Community/interview room and estate office included.
  • Existing services to Otto Close retained where possible to mitigate construction impacts and disruption.
  • Further consultation on these revised proposals will take place, with dates for the next set of public exhibitions to be announced soon.

    Posted on 11th July 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Ecology and Topographic surveys available to view

    The Ecology and Topographic surveys are now available to view.

    The Ecology survey is available to view here , and an accompanying memo providing a summary of Ecology surveys undertaken here .

    The Topographic survey is available to view here .

    These surveys are also available to view in hard-copy form in the estate office.

    Posted on 11th July 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Survey information available to view in the estate office

    From today, all survey information that has been made available online will be available to view in hard form at the estate office on Lammas Green, during normal opening hours, for those who are unable to view online.

    Posted on 20th June 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Consultation update / amended 2nd newsletter

    The City of London Corporation is currently considering the options for new homes on the Sydenham Hill Estate. As a result, the initial target of June for planning submission will now be moved to later in the year. We want to use this extra time to consult further on the proposals, as well as to consider alternative options.

    We are currently considering how a change to the parking arrangements in the proposals could alter the design of the proposed development.

    The consultation team continue to receive a large volume of enquiries on a daily basis, and we are responding to enquires as promptly as possible.

    After receiving feedback to the newsletter delivered to the estate on Tuesday May 7th, we have amended the infographic on page 4 of the digital version of the newsletter. This amendment is to clarify that 'Total agreements' refers to the number of times Commonplace users have agreed with comments posted on the Commonplace website.

    The updated newsletter can be viewed here.

    Posted on 14th May 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Ground Investigation Survey works

    Residents are advised that as part of a Ground Investigation Survey that will inform the proposed development, exploratory works around the existing Mais House and Otto Close garage areas will be taking place on the week commencing Monday 13th May. The works will last for approximately two weeks.

    The location of the investigation pits, trenches and boreholes can be seen here.

    In order to access the works area, some shrubbery may need to be removed in order to make space for the drilling rig. The images below show this space.

    At various locations trial pits and bore holes will be created to assess the foundations and the nature of the substrate in the ground. These will be filled-in at the end of the works each night.

    Existing composting heaps have been dismantled and moved for the works to take place. The composting heaps will be rebuilt and placed back once the works are completed. Temporary composting bins will be available in the meantime.

    Posted on 10th May 2019

    by Jack Baker-Merry

    2nd Sydenham Hill newsletter

    The Sydenham Hill consultation newsletter that was delivered on 07 May can be viewed in full here.

    The updated version is available to view here.

    Posted on 8th May 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Arboriculture and Traffic survey

    The Arboriculture survey and Traffic survey are now available to view. The Arboriculture survey is available here , and the Traffic survey is available here.

    Posted on 8th May 2019

    by Sydenham Hill consultation team

    Surveyor on the estate this week

    A surveyor will be at the Sydenham Hill Estate this Friday (12.04), as we continue to explore options for new homes at the Sydenham Hill Estate. The surveyor will be carrying out a simple visual inspection, and no intrusive works will be carried out.

    Posted on 10th April 2019

    by Sydenham Hill Estate engagement team

    3rd round public exhibition boards

    The exhibition boards from the 3rd round of public exhibitions held on March 27th & 28th are now available to view here.

    Posted on 29th March 2019

    by Jack Baker-Merry

    Architects Resident's Steering Group presentation

    On Thursday 21st March, Hawkins Brown Architects presented the emerging plans for new homes on the Sydenham Hill Estate. The presentation booklet can be viewed here.

    Posted on 26th March 2019

    by Jack Baker-Merry

    Next public exhibitions

    We are holding two drop-in events, open to both residents and the local community, to present the architects plans for new homes on the Sydenham Hill Estate. Following the last events in February, the architects have considered the feedback from residents and the community and have developed more detailed plans which are now ready to be shared.

    The next events will be held on Wednesday 27 March & Thursday 28 March at Lammas Green Community Hall, Lammas Green, London, SE26 6LT.

    A flyer was delivered to the estate and surrounding areas today, and is attached here.

    Posted on 20th March 2019

    by Jack Baker-Merry

    Landscape Architects presentation

    On Thursday 7th of March, the landscape architect TO-Studio, presented outline plans to the Sydenham Hill Estate Residents' Steering Group. You can view the outline plans here. The plans are at an early stage, and feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

    Posted on 8th March 2019

    by Jack Baker-Merry

    Second public exhibitions

    On Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th of February the project team held two public exhibition events, showing the initial plans for new homes on the estate. Members of the team were on hand to talk residents and members of the community through the initial plans, answer questions and collect feedback.

    The exhibition boards are available to view here.

    Posted on 8th February 2019

    by Consultation team

    Architects presentation- Residents Steering Group meeting

    On Thursday evening (Jan 31st), architects Hawkins Brown presented the early design proposals for new homes on the Sydenham Hill Estate.

    The presentation document can be viewed here.

    Please get in touch with the team if you have any questions.

    Posted on 1st February 2019

    by Consultation team

    Sydenham Hill Newsletter

    The Sydenham Hill consultation newsletter that was delivered on December 11 can be viewed in full by clicking here.

    Posted on 18th December 2018

    by Consultation team